2013 is winding down and 2014 is knocking at the door! It's hard to believe; '13 FLEW by. This year has been fantastic in so many ways. Of course, there have been some rough moments, but those are fleeting.
Anyway, the point of this link party is to post your three favorite pictures from your Instagram account. Here we go...
1. This picture is amazing to me. I am a huge fan of tech integration. It definitely doesn't replace quality teaching, but effective technology use can enhance a learning so much. In this picture, every single one of my students are logged into and using a MacBook Air. My school currently has three MacBook carts that we can check out often, as well as six iPads per classroom. Next year, the plan is that we will be 1:1 with iPads. I'm excited to say the very, very least. We haven't done too many crazy things with the MacBooks yet, but I have big plans. :)
2. This picture is obviously from last school year, but I just love it so much. Our school does a huge kindergarten graduation ceremony. This picture signifies all of the blood, sweat, and tears that go into a school year. These babies become my own each and every year, and this picture just sums up the bittersweet feelings that naturally come for me at the end of each school year. Plus, they are pretty stinkin' cute.
3. Obviously, any picture of these two kiddos will instantly become my favorite. This picture was taken over fall break while we were on a wagon ride to pick pumpkins. These two are my life. They can make me smile no matter how bad my day is. I love them to the moon and back.
Now it's your turn! Go to Elizabeth's blog to link up yourself! While you're at it, follow me on Instagram {@mrsbanisterskindergartenkids}.
My TPT store will be on sale from December 31-January 2! Make sure to stock up!