
July 1, 2015


It can't be July... It was just the beginning of June!  

Last month literally flew by.  Here's to the last 27 days of summer. :(

Listening:  We are in a hotel room in Hershey, PA, listening to American Ninja Warrior!  We are heading to the factory and Gettysburg tomorrow before heading back to Indiana.

Loving:  I had the most amazing week at ISTE.  Lots of learning happened, and I made so many connections.  My BFF and I presented poster sessions twice and my students and I were able to present as well.  On the opening day, I presented an Ignite session to approximately 4200 people (GASP!).  That was crazy, but amazing!

Wanting:  As I wrote earlier, there are only 27 days left of summer break for me.  That. Is. Crazy.  My kiddos and I are going to make the most of it!

Needing:  I need sleep.  ISTE exhausted me, so I'm looking forward to sleeping in for the next few days!

All Star:  My favorite job is Mommy!  My kiddos are both in bed with me while Daddy is lounging in a huge bed by himself reading.  :)  I love it, but I'm squished!

Now head on over to link up with Farley for your July edition of Currently!


  1. Oh I love American Ninja Warrior!!

    No, no countdowns!! Too soon! Enjoy the last weeks. :)

    You Might Be a First Grader….

  2. I was standing in my classroom today, thinking its July 1 and it feels like summer is ending so quickly because I am so busy! Keep up the all star mom work! :)
